Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Death misses once again

November 17th, 2008 , 18:17hrs IST
I escape death again. I escaped death for the 4th time, but with comparatively lesser damages as compared to the previous ones.
I was crossing the outer ring road,at the Panchsheel Park Bus Stop. There is a around 3feet high and a couple of feet wide divider which seperates the lanes. From my lane, i climbed up that lane(as i do everyday). As i took a step furthur on the divider, and landed my foot on the other edge of the divider. I was wearing my new shoes, as i had a speech to give in one of the labs. I tripped off, and fell on the other lane , where every vehicle was running at speeds more than 50kmph. I landed straight on the road, where a Maruti Zen immediately missed hitting me on my head. If it had, my head would have been completely crushed. I could hear the brakes of that car very clearly, just as i could see the alloy wheels of the car very clearly shining like it was laughing at me. I'd say that i was just some inches short of my death. If my head would have been a few inches above the level it was(which was next to ground), i would have collided with the bumper of the car, and woud have died on the spot for sure. If the car was a couple of inches nearer to me, my head would have come beneath the right front tyre of the car(which carries a major portion of the car's weight) and would have smashed completely. I had escaped death thrice so closely, and this was the fourth time, so wasn't much scared of dying(but have to admit, it did really shook me badly for a few seconds). As the car went, i stood back on my feet, and took support of the divider, from where i fell off realising what had happened. My left foot(near the toe), my right palm(which had suffered a severe cut a couple of years back, another one of those incidents when i escaped death, the wound went just over a vein, my vein just missed the cut), and my right arm(near the elbow) have been bruised, and are aching right now, as i compile this message back at home, an hour after this incident had occured.

I haven't yet told anyone in my family about it, as they'll get too scared....! Those who know me very well, only they'll realise how much good is it to survive death without much aftermaths.

Have to say, if you know whats luck, ask me ! I escape death once every year, if not less. I need more luck for my survival .

Signing off to rest after this close brush with death.


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