Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Tips to get successful at your workplace

While going though some of the HR sites, on one of the sites, i read a few interesting tips on how to get ahead at your workplace. Here are a few points which i recollect from my reading.

1) Understand the business and look at the bigger picture

A good understanding of the company's business and goals gives you the direction and helps you moving towards achieving your own dreams by working for the cmpany welfare.

2) Operate the department like a business

The success of a department speaks volumes about the people working in it. So operate your department as a business, ensure that it gets profitable deals and ensure that you play an important role in it.

3) Give logical opinions backed with data and research

To make people sit up and give value to your opinions, you have to back them with data and study. Research backed with opinions gives you the right kind of forum to express yourself and make people believe in your abilities. This may just give you the right start you always have been waiting for.

4) Develop contacts and networks

To get an important position, it is important for people to know that you exist. Tell them about what you are capable of. If word spreads in a positive manner, even the senior management would want to know how could they utilise your capabilities in a better manner, giving you the right kind of opportunity to prove yourself.

5) Learn new skills

Your skills and knowledge are most important aids in your journey to success. Keep them updated and be ready to use them when required. Moreover, an updated skill set ensures that you are far ahead of your contemporaries when it comes to knowledge and it will help you hetting chosen over others.

6) Enable knowledge transfer

Enable your team members through knowledge transfer. Talk to them and understand the kind of problems that they face and then give them the required knowledge and support to solve the issues. This enables the team members to perform better and has a positive impact on their productivity.

7) Encourage open communication

Lots of things go wrong due to lack of communication and you definitely cannot afford to lose out on important projects due to small issues. So establish proper communication mediums and encourage proper open communication with team members. This ensures that the communication flow is smooth, weeding out the probability of work getting affected due to lack of communication.

8) Never speak ill of the company

Your office may not be perfect, but you dont want to be the person bad mouthing the company, or you risk having your comments parroted back to you.

These are basic but the most important communication tips, which are often missed out in the organisations.

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