Thursday, November 26, 2009

A year later

26/11/09 was one of the worst days in human history, terrorists target economic capital of India, try to destroy world heritages, and create havoc. 200+ civillians,millions of dollars lost, and more damage saved at the cost of lives of the brave protectors(i.e the security forces).

And even after one year, we're still waiting for all the culprits to be caught. But still it seems to be a distant dream, courtesy Pakistan Government, who supports terrorists and shows a really bad example. This shows how low can countries,people stoop for their self-interests and ego-interests. The world should do something about it. It shows extreme pathetic human nature. What it seems to be, Mr President of pakistan(don't remember what his name is) should be sent to mental asylum for being treated(yes, he's a declared 'mentally unfit' human), which shows that Pakistan is ruled by mad men. And should we let these mad men allow people to create sheer havoc in out nation and enjoy their lives...... NO ! Its high time now. This is simply sick.

Let us unite against Lashkar-e-Taiyyaba,Al Qaeda, and all other bullshit lashkar and al's and sweep them off this planet, fortify their existance, and let this Earth be a great place to live,free from terror,chaos,sorrow and grief, free from illness,poverty,tensions.

But the big question still remains....
Whose gonna clean up this mess ??

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