Sunday, June 7, 2009

The return of the 6600

Nokia recently unveiled its new 6600i. Now doesn't that remind you of the leendary 6600 which suddenly chaned the mobile world. Yes, the new phone is the predecessor of the leendary phone.

But the basics of the phone remain the same. The phone is quite curvy as the old 6600 was. The phone looks stunnin in a brushed steel body, althouh the black one doesn't look that ood. This one, bein a slider phone, has a nice finishin. It has a 5MP camera. But the bad news is "Its not a S60 smartphone". Which means that thouh its name has been inspired, the soul of the 6600 Ta is missin. Atleast somethin revolutionisin should have been introduced to make it live it up to the name it owns - Infact N97 could have bette suited te name 6600 than this one. Expandable upto 16b, the phonme comes for 200Euro's , or rouhly Rs13000. Now we'll see the actual performance once its out, but still i'd say it seems like a pretty decent phone.

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