Thursday, November 26, 2009

Playing with nature

Viewing a report on the restart of CERN's much hyped project on recreating the 'Big Bang', i wonder how much man can be ambitious. Its good to be ambitious, but if experimens like these go wrong,then it can be fatal for the whole mankind. Don't we already have millions of other problems like overpopulation,starvation and terrorism that we're wasting money on such issues. Its good that human's doing stem cell and cloning research,but recreating the big bang explosion and trying to risk the future of the planet isn't a very nice idea. I admit CERN - the organisation behing the Internet had this dynamic idea at the same time when they were developing the internet, but they should now see the current situation. No place on this planet is safe from terrorism, then how can they ensure that their research complex is safe from such attacks, that such attacks wouldn't disrupt the experiment and lead to fatal accidents. Aren't incidents like Chernobyl and Union Carbide Gas Tragedy(also known as Bhopal Gas Tragedy) enough for men to learn this crucial message.

I hope things don't go worse for men, and the experiment CERN's conducting would have positive effects on mankind.

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