Friday, January 22, 2010

China becomes a buisance

After being repeatedly in news for its non-liberal policies, China added a new chapter to it. This one, being just too much.

From now onwards, the biggest cellphone market its going to keep unprecedented censopship over its nation's text message traffic.

Users who send 'unhealthy and illegal' messages as defined by unknown criteria of propriety may find their text messaging services suddenly suspended. And only after those affected by this 'promise' the police not not to send 'bad' messages again to be allowed to use the service again.

Nine government departments have enlisted 13 criteria to judge the messages. An automatic filtering system will be activated on detection of keywords in message content.

This means that even using the cellphone for personal conversations wouldn't be possible.

Being aimed to wipe out mobile porn, the message filtering would block any suspected 'unhealthy' message,suspend the number's text functonality and would wait for the police to evaluate. In case the police gives it a clean chit,it will issue the user a certificate to seek redemption of the services. In case the police finds it offenive, teh functionality shll remain barred.

Already under fire for exercising too much surveillance and censorhip, the Chinese government , which has still blocked internet access and text messaging services from XinJiang district where the riots erupted last July, and many blogs and sites like Facebook,Twitter etc banned throughout the nation, this has come as another shock.

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