Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Movie Review - 2012 Supernova

I recently saw the 2009 released Brian Krause and Heather Mccomb starrer 2012 Supernova. It was another one of the "oh the world is gonna end ,some space mumbo-jumbo's happened and we're all gonna die" kind of movies.

I won't do a complete review of the movie(let me just say that this is the weakest sci-fi i've ever come across till date). The direction's poor,the sets are terrible(the NASA project centre shown in the movie is worse than my school computer lab which used to run C compilers and internet),the terminology used by the characters gives me the feeling they're wannabe's acting in some school drama, the camerawork makes me feel as if it was an amateur movie,only two cars for the whole movie(are you kidding,Irani terrorists and CIA both using the same car),the space shuttle set is not good(look at the space station computer,even ATM machines look more powerful in front of that cardboard thing from stone age that they've used as the computer),Professor Dzerzhinsky(Alan Poe)'s poor acting(he seriously seems to be the worst actor possible for the role,he seems like some mechanic having a hard time reciting the lines during the scenes),really bad screenplay by Jonathan Nacy and story writing(i mean, an unemployed pervert and an Irani terrorist all forced in the same plot,thats pathetic), the pre-historic NASA shuttle launch pictures(oh,the monitor they use to depict the shuttle take-off's seems smaller than my 15' monitor),the really poor mother-daughter drama, all makes it look like really poor work. Even the lead played by Brian Kraus fails to make me feel as if he as a scientist(really,in the first scene he seems to be taking his family to a picnic,not some disaster proof army camp).

The only good thing in the movie was the special effects,atleast they didn't irritate me(infact,they were nice enough to support the story).

2012 is probably a very very bad science fiction movie,which should have been made on a very large budget,and with experts(not amateurs). I know it was recession when they came out with it,but atleast they could have made the plot much smaller,and leave out the irani-chinese conspiracies(which would have saved a lot of money for better use). They made the movie look oh so terrible.

It did seem to me like as if they were preaching the American agenda,and not entertaining audiences.

I'd give the movie 1 out of 5, just for the guy who worked hard to get the SFX's turn out good.

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