Sunday, October 9, 2011

Movie Review - The King's Speech

I had the opportunity to watch a movie - the oscar nominated The Kings speech.. Having heard a lot about it, i decide to watch it. Now, here' sthe review

The Plot:
The story sets in 1925. King George Vth's younger son - Albert Fredrick, the Duke of York(played by Colin Firth) has a stammering issue. He stammers too much every time he needs to talk. This stammering problem becomes a cause for embarrasment for him at the closing ceremony of the Empire Exhibition at the Wembley stadium - an exhibition staged by the various British colonies from all over the world. He excessive stammering makes the speech a headache for all the listeners out there.That is when he decides to take medical treatment for the illness.

He tries many medicinal procedures to reduce the stammering problem including some really silly ones, like cigerette smoking. But none of them show any results. He eventually gives up hope.

His wife Elizabeth(played by Helena Carter), on suggestion of the president of society for speech therapies, secretly visits Lionel Logue(played by Geoffrey Rush) who resides in Harley Street and discusses the issue.. The doctor agrees to treat his problem, but with the condition that the duke would have to follow his rules. But initially the king finds the techniques of Lionel offensive.

Later one evening, while being extremely tensed over a christmas speech that his father had asked him to deliver, he decided to hear a recording from the last session at Lionel. And he found that Lionel's experiement was extremely successful. He decides to continue the treatment, and finds himself in a better state.

After the first world war, King George Vth demises. After his death, Albert's older brother David becomes the King. Albert does everything to make David the king, as he is scared of the public speaking responsibilities that a king has. As a ruler, David does not discharge his duties as a king, and wastes his time in the service of his love interest Wallis Simpson. She is a twice divorced woman who knows how to control men. David decides to marry her. But that would be deemed illegal, as the King is the head of the church.

It is decided that Albert would be the king, and would be called King George VIth. On 12th of December 1936, Albert is sworn in as the King, but his first briefing as a king to his men is a disaster for him. His stammering makes it too embarrasing for him.This stammering breaks his soul. He consults Lionel again.

Before getting officially sworn in at the Westminster Abbey, Albert discovers that Lionel did not have any formal credentials, and gets hurt. But Lionel in time, controls the situation, and makes him assured. They practice the speech's in the Abbey. And Albery becomes King George VIth without any embarrasment.

Later, World War II between England and Germany. The king had to deliver a speech on behalf of the nation. And this speech would be a historic one. Just as George gets his speech, he calls in for Lionel. Lionel comes and assists him. His futuristic vision helps George to be at ease while giving the speech. The speech was a success. After the speech, everyone applauds the king for the well delivery. George acknowledges him as a friend, and thanks hi for all the suppor he had contributed to the monarch.

Later in 1944, Lionel was awarded with the commander in chief rank for his services to the monarch. The movie ends.

Final Take:

The movie is good. It shows how the most powerful person on the planet is so terrorised by a small fear, and his struggle to overcome it.

Colin Firth has done a splendid job. He played the role of a stammering royalty with brilliance. Geoffrey Rush and Helena Carter have also done a splendid job.

Ther direction has been outstanding, the director Tom Hooper has done a magnificent job,and rightly gets the credit for it.

My rating for the movie - 4 out of 5

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