Tuesday, June 30, 2009

How to minimize Carbon Footprint

Hey everyone
Today, i'm writing on a very critical topic - environment protection. This topic has been a big issue for me, and i'd like to share whatever little i know about controlling it.

In these days of high tech gadgets, we use a lot of natural resources recklessly. Human have all the natural resources only till the day he cares for it. Reckless use of them will simply leave us stranded sooner or later.

Carbon footprint - a widely use term, is a scale to measure it. Carbon foorprint defines how much of carbon(or simply how much fossil fuel) has been used to serve the purpose.A carbon footprint is "the total set of GHG (greenhouse gas) emissions caused directly and indirectly by an individual, organization, event or product" (UK Carbon Trust 2008). An individual, nation, or organization's carbon footprint is measured by undertaking a GHG emissions assessment. For example, if we switch a fan on, then the amount of the natural resources used to power that is its carbon foorprint. Carbon foorprint should be kept as less as possible. The lesser the carbon footprint is, the more eco-friendly the device/service is. This means that the device/service is much better for mankind. Hence we should endeavour to minimise our carbon footprint. Here are a few tips on how you can do that:

#1) Switch off any electrical devices that you're not using. This would save energy.
#2) Plug out any chargers,adopters,transformers,stablizers,etc when not in use. If not possinle, then simply disconnect any power sources connected to them.

#3) Delete all the useless mails you have in your inbox, and spam too. Storing mails does use a lot of electricity, and hence has a huge carbon footprint. Ever since i got to know that, i deleted all of the 1300+ waste mails i had in my inbox. Unknowingly, this is appearing to be one of the most growing source of high carbon footprint levels for useless or waste items.

#4) Switch off the air conditioner when not required,don't use the blanket. Your enjoyment is causing the Earth a great damage.
#5) Use unleaded fuel, It is extremely 'Eco-Friendly".
#6) Switching off the computer and all other connected devices whenever they're not in use. Remember, they produce heat and waste energy when not in use.

Hope all of you follow them and help us in having a greener tomorrow!

(And this is probably one of the reasons i prefer green for my blog template).

Comments are welcomed.

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