Friday, August 20, 2010

Cellphone Care tips

Here are some tips to care for your cellphone which i found in a local daily.

Seal Well
Small cracks on the surface of a cellphone can cause moisture/steam to seep in, which can gradually erode the circuit board. Avoid using in the rains.

Fatal Attraction
Keep your cellphone away from a magnet. The magnet in your speaker phone will absorb excess iron powder if exposed to a magnetic field.

Give a Breather
Enclosed metal spaces like elevators and cars may require the device to work harder for establishing a connection,thereby draining the battery faster. So avoid using your cellphone ion such areas

Positive Charge
Switch off your cellphone before you charge it. Charging a cellphone while it is switched off decreases the life drastically.

Save from Extremes
Never leave your cellphone in direct sunlight or at very cold area. Drastic changes in temperature may hamper the phone's internal components.

Hope you find them useful.

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