Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Movie Review - Up In The air

I recently had the opportunity to catch a movie. Its the 2009 hit Up In The Air starring George Clooney, Vera Farmiga and Anna Kendrick. Produced by Paramount Pictures, i was told that it was a nice movie.

The story revolves around an executive Ryan Bingham, played by George Clooney. he belongs from Milwaukee and works for a firm in Omaha. His job is to roam around the United States firing people off their jobs on behalf of the employers. He's a materialistic person, and believes in accomplishments such as special preferences cards and so. His priority in every action he does is to achieve as much efficiency as possible. He considers the flight as his home, and doesn't own a single property. He believes that owning assets hold one down to being inefficient. He lives a single life - no attachment from the family of friends. He contented with his moving life and doesnt want a settled life. His policy of life - keep the bagpack as light as possible, throw away the replaceables. The central idea behind this fact is that everyone dies alone, noone cares for others when they're on their deathbed. His personal aim in his life is to

He meets a newbie at his workplace - Natalie Keener, played by Anna Kendrick. She's a newly psychology graduate from Cornell, who has joined the job for the sake of being together with her boyfriend. She devices new techniques to fire people over the web using teleconferencing. Now, as the recession's going on, the company starts observing these new techniques.

Learning this development, Ryan doesn't like this. he tries to pull Natalie down. The company management decides to send Natalie with him to learn about the details and aspects of the 'firing' industry. They go places together firing people. natalie observes the odd things, the cursing people do on getting to know that they're fired. Natalie initially gets shook, but slowly gets used to it. The exzperience is one of a kind. There are people getting angry, some

Earlier, Ryan had met Alex Goran, played by Vera Farmiga. She's also an executive who frequently flies to places asa part of her job. Ryan and Alex hit off instantly. They meet sometimes at common destinations in their work travel. They have a fun time whenever they're together. He becomes used to Alex's presence in his life.

Ryan had the wedding of his sister Julie coming. Alex decides to visit the wedding. His other sister Kara requests him to take a photo of a cardboard cutout of julie and her fiance Jim. Julie and Jim are doing it as because of recession, they don't have enough finances and budget to bravel. He takes Alex there. Alex accompanies him everywhere he goes. Slowly, he becomes too fond of her.

Slowly as progress occurs, Ryan starts to change. Just before Julie and Jim's marriage, Jim get scold feet about marriage. Ryan talks him out of the situation, and convinces him to go ahead with the marriage. Julie and Jim get married happily. Ryan returns from their wedding alone for the first time after so many days.

While giving a seminar at GoalQuest in Las Vegas, he realises that he's in love with Alex. He immediately rushes to Alex's house in Chicago. But on reaching there, he realises that Alex's already married, has kids and a husband. She's been going around with him for fun.

Learning this, Ryan's heartbroken. He again seeks relief in solitude - the old way he used to follow. On going back to his office in Omaha, he learns that one of the employees Natalie fired. had blackmailed them with suicide, actually committed so, and on learning this, Natalie quit her job and applies for a job in San Francisco.

Ryan's back to his old ways. He again on the flight. But this time, he lonely and not just alone. The chain of events had actually changed him. His attachment with Natalie and Alex had an irreversible effect. Thats when he realises how much he has lost in all these years.

The movie shows how man is a social animal, and how it gets involved with other human beings no matter how much it tries to detach itself from them, or go into worldly things.

The acting by the stars is good, especially George Clooney. This is one movie which makes one think. Personally, it made me introspect too,as being a solitude seeker, it made me thing on the aspects of it too. Earlier i felt peace in solitude, but looking at this, it does make me ponder over balancing it.

The soundwork is good, appropriate to the movie's requirements. The movie needed minimalistic music so the message passed to the audience doesn't get spoilt.

Paramount studios has done a good job with Up In The Air.

My final Rating : 4/5 for good content, connected directly to the social nature of the human

What do you think? Do you feel the same, or think differently? Drop in a comment

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