Thursday, June 9, 2011

How to be Confidence

While going through the Hindustan Times, i came through a few good points which differentiate confidence and overconfidence.

Now there's quite some difference between confidence and overconfidence which we usually overlook.

Here are the characteristics in simple points which shopuld make you understand the slim line which makes the difference between them, and treat the issues you find in yourself


Overconfident people are usually noisy and loud

they speak loudly and forcefully to impose their point

they seek validation from outside

after recieving approval, they feel emptiness inside them

they aren't satisfied with life and are usually unhappy

they do not feel good about themselves

they display courage to compensate their inferiority feelings

they like making fun of others

they cannot take a joke about themselves

the self doubt that they have can be easily detected by otehrs


They do not try to prove anything

they are not attention-seekers

they exude a natural charisma which makes them attractive

they are usually happy,joyful

they are often very quiet and understated

they express themselves well when the situation demands

they aren't afraid to speak the truth

they are always authentic in their expression

people love interacting with confident people because he/she makes them feel confident too

how to be confident

dont judge and betray yourself if you display overconfidence

self confidence comes from inside

be honest about your feelings

if you feel negetive about yourself, introspect your self-concepts and beliefs

forgive yourself

don't try to fix whats wrong inside you, reveal it confidently

be kind and compassionate about yourself

start believing in yourself

congratulate yourself for doing your best

remember, you have the option to change,grow, evolve, transform, blossom, and bloom

Hope you guys liked the share. Comments/suggestions are welcomed

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