Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Movie Review - Wall E

In my ongoing movie mania, i've been PRIVILEDGED(notice my words) to seen a movie. WallE by Walt Disney and Pixar studios. And this is probably one of the best movies i've seen till date. Being an animation movie, it stands apart from all the real nonsense we've been producing. This movie gives you a message, entertans you, and the kids.Being an adult, i can say that sometimes movies made for the kids outperform the movies for us adults, for they teach us to be a human, and our so called adult movies teach us nothing but how to destroy the planet and our lives. Released in 2008, i feel guilty of missing watching it then, its so good. Watching it on the big screen would have been so awesome.

The Plot:

WallE is a robot set on the Earth for disposing trash. This is some year around 2715. Earth is nothing but a trashcan - full of trash. Toxic wastes and human made products have made it very difficult for humans to survive, hence they fled somewhere around 2110. WallE is the last robot working. All other robot of ts generations have broken down. WallE manages the trash on Earth,packs them in cubes, and makes huge piles of them. He's probably tired of his lonely life, and wants a partner like he sees in the movies.

One day,a rocket alands on Earth,and a shining robot comes along with it. The robot's name is Eve, and is sent to find plants on Earth. WallE falls in love with Eve(well, kind of). When WallE shows the plant to Eve, Eve gets locked and waits for a rocket to pick her up. WallE stays with her all this time, during rainfall,sunshine,and frost. Finally,when the rocket comes,WallE goes with Eva, and reaches Axion - the spacecraft humans escaped to whle the Earth was cleaned.

There on Axion, many incidents occur. WallE finally manages to talk to Eve again,but repeatedly causes problems to her. Slowly, after he secures the plant which Eve was supposed to hand over to the captain,she gets impressed. They two start gelling aong together.

But the autopilot turns rogue, and tries every bit to stop the captain from returning to Earth. In the hindrances it creates, WallE gets damaged extensively. Somehow they all return, and in time Eve repairs WallE. The humans rejoice their return to home, and start turning the world green.

Final Verdict:

The movie is superb,excellent, bravo ! I can't find adjectives to describe it,its so good. Its so difficult getting to fnd a decent movie these days. Pixar's animations are 'way out of the world' brilliant(would have loved it more in HD). Director Andrew Stanton has done a memorable job. Even Steve Jobs showed by investing in this movie how can we mix business with mankind's welfare. The photography is great. And so effortlessly they communicate effectively the message that its only us who can care about the world, no robots can save it for us.

On the whole, i'd give it a full 5/5 for being a sheer entertainer. A must see movie !

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