Monday, September 13, 2010

Eco-Friendly Advice/Tips

Tips to be eco-friendly everyday

Here are a few tips i found out how to be more eco-friendly.

1)Reuse and recycle
Use a large bin in the house for recycling. Try to collect all the water bottles,empty tin cans, paper cups,etc in the bin, and later check out what all from it can be reused. Encouraging kids to reuse the bottles and go slow on 'the environmently hazardous products.

2)Plant Plants in the yard
Dedicate a small corner in your house for a herb garden. In case the space is insufficient in your house, then just put some pots in the balcony. Try growing oyur own vegetables there. You can grow tomatoes,chilli's and mints, as they are easier to grow and maintain. You can also grow sprout vegetables.

3)Switch Off and conserve
Just make it a point to switch off any electronic or electrical appliance whenever you're not in room ,or they're not required. Use energy saver bulbs like CFL's and BEE star bulbs instead of the conventional bulbs.

4)Save water
Use the shower on low intensity. Keep the taps closed while you're brushing or shaving. Use a mug to wash your face. All these small steps will prevent the use of excessive water to a good extent. In case there are any leaky pipes,taps or faucets, get them fixed.

5)Reduce paper usage
Pay online for all the bills that have the facility for e-payment. Avoid taking unnecessary printouts. For invitations, go for telephonic invitations or e-invitations. In case you need to print,print on both sides of the sheet(back to back printing). Reuse paper for making lists like grocery,to do, etc.

Hope they find place in your lifestyle. Afterall, the resources are limited, and its only us who can stop all the Global warming and resource depletion because of them.

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